Monday, December 19, 2011

Gustafer Yellowgold

I had been babysitting Lily when I discovered the great music of Gustafer Yellowgold. It was during her nap time...I did a search for nap music/stations for kids and found him! We heard I jump on cake and Lily of course wasn't sleeping because she sat up and said "i jump on cake?" hehehe. That was such a funny moment. Over the years Gustafer's collection has grown. Jon had bought me (while dating) a package of a cd/dvd/sticker/plush doll/tattoo/magnet... I believe.

I found out he is from the sun, he is yellow, loves jumping on cake on birthdays, has some awesome rocket shoes....friends: a mint green bee, pterodactyls in tuxedos, dragons and the list goes on. Go on and take a look at the website I don't want to spoil anything with my words. Read up on Gustafer's singer/songwriter/illustrator, Morgan Taylor too!

PS- Every year my child will have the option to jump on cake. This is a promise.

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